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2024 U.S. Election Reaction

2024 US Election: A Superpower Commits Suicide and Fascism Triumphs


This piece is being written on November 6th, 2024, the day after Donald Trump was once again elected US president. Every time I think “Americans can’t be that stupid, they can’t be that willing to embrace ignorance and hatred,” I’m proven desperately wrong. Apparently the people of the US are so racist and sexist, and so eager to embrace an ideology of willful denial and savage hate, that they will vote for a convicted felon, a proven rapist, an insurrectionist, and fascist. I also don’t forgive or excuse the people who voted for Trump out of a frustration with the status quo, or the people who sat on the sidelines and didn’t vote. Both of those groups had mountains of evidence telling them who Trump was, who his allies are, and what their agenda was. What functional difference is there between an ardent fascist and someone who votes for an ardent fascist? If the end result is the end of American democracy, then that’s a distinction without a difference. Now the US will have a fascist as commander and chief, with blanket immunity for everything he does provided to him by a pliant and ultra-conservative supreme court earlier in 2024. 

All the things I mentioned and a lot more besides bode extremely ill both for the United States, and the rest of the world for generations to come. I’m going to divide this piece into two sections, what I think this election will mean for the rest of the world as they’re forced to deal with the US, and what this will mean for the US internally. Normally I’d take pains to point out that I’m far from an expert in world affairs and all that, but as I’m sitting here writing this I don’t have the energy. This will be an emotional and off the cuff reaction, and it’s mostly to get my thoughts out so I don’t go insane. 

The Rest of the World

First of all, I’d like to say sorry to the rest of the world that you’re stuck with having to deal with the US. In the short term to medium term, Trump’s reelection will probably be on a scale from bad to a complete disaster for Ukraine, Palestine, NATO, possibly the UN, and any US participation in global climate initiatives. Trump spent his first term cozying up to dictators and strong men while being combative with longtime strategic allies. Trump and the entire Republican party have also decided that denying climate change and running the planet into the ground is great politics (which I suppose in America it is since it got them elected). All of this is unsettling and will make the world a much more unsafe and uncertain place to live in. 

I think Trump’s second term will also accelerate the US’ decline as a global superpower. This is likely a process that takes decades, but in a nutshell, I’m guessing a lot of countries around the world will conclude that if the US is filled with lunatics who want to be in a climate change denying, protectionist, and isolationist country why not let them. If the US continues to deny that it is just one country in a larger world, and not the whole fucking universe, then the rest of the world will probably start to move on. Financial markets, imports and exports, military collaboration, investments, and so much more will gradually shift as the US isolates itself out of great power status. 

The ironic and almost hilarious part about this trend is that the people who are absolutely obsessed with American greatness and exceptionalism are the ones who voted for Trump and will support his policies. They’re far too stupid to know anything about geopolitics or the wider global economy, so they will be unable to see how their actions helped usher in the American decline they were so desperate to avert. I said it’s almost hilarious because these people are also incapable of admitting when they were wrong or made a mistake, and they will absolutely start looking for scapegoats at home and abroad. The death throes of great powers are almost always exceptionally bloody, and a country dumb enough to elect Trump twice is certainly dumb enough to go out swinging wildly. 

America Itself

There are a lot of factors that went into Trump’s rise to power. The first is that many Americans are supremely bigoted, willfully and maliciously ignorant, and looking for someone to give them permission to be as horrible as they want. Another factor is establishment media spent a decade sane washing all the insane and corrupt things Trump said and did in their efforts to be “”””neutral.”””” Apparently these media companies were either owned by wealthy interests who steered their editorial line away from open criticism of Trump, or they were too stupid to realize that refusing to criticize fascism is an acquiescence to fascism. Yet another factor is that the US legal system was nothing but bureaucratized injustice. Trump spent his entire adult life committing crimes and never facing any consequences for them. Even when he was convicted of 34 felonies he was never sentenced to any punishment. At every turn Trump exposed the fact that any guardrails in place to protect the US governmental system were either paper thin, or based entirely on an honor system. All it took to erode them was someone shameless enough to never pay lip service to convention. 

I don’t know how bad things are going to be in the United States during and after Trump’s second term. Every branch of the government will be aligned with Trump’s agenda, and there look to be no significant obstacles stopping him from doing whatever he wants. Will he suspend the constitution and declare martial law? Will he make himself president for life and choose his successor like other authoritarian presidencies have in the past? Will massive concentration camps be built so that millions of immigrants and migrants will be forcibly deported? Will criticism of the president and the government be made illegal? Will abortion be outlawed nationwide? Will attacks on the LGTBQ community continue to escalate in their intensity and ferocity? Will opposition parties be outlawed in the United States? Will public education be gutted in the United States, or turned into an engine for promoting climate change denial and fascism? I can’t even begin to guess how bad the rest of the 2020s and beyond will be for America. I hope that I’m wrong, and that this is looked on as fantastical panicking in the future. It’s not wise to underestimate the capacity for human cruelty, though, especially when it has the backing of a powerful state. I think the future will prove that people were right to be afraid and apprehensive. 


In August of 2024, I reviewed and discussed a book about the Guatemalan journalist Irma Flaquer, who spent decades working in the worst years of the Guatemalan civil war. She was eventually disappeared in 1980, and her body was never recovered. After the 2024 US election I find myself thinking about Irma once again. I admired her strength and determination in the face of extreme danger, and her commitment to stay in Guatemala even when she knew her life was in serious risk. I don’t know if I possess that same courage. When I learned the results of the 2024 election, I found myself wondering whether I should just give up, and try and keep my head down while trying to ignore everything that is going on around me. On the other hand, I wondered whether I should try and leave for a different country while I still had the chance. I don’t know what direction my life will take me, but I also wanted to point out that in 2024 there were still people like Irma Flaquer. People who were afraid for the future and knew how dangerous the circumstances would be, but were determined to try and make the world a better place anyway. There were people like that in America, who felt the loss of Trump’s victory, but kept working anyway.

 I wanted to point that out for posterity. There’s something else I want to say to the future too that’s less hopeful. In the future Americans will receive a lot of scorn and derision. How could they elect someone like Trump twice, how stupid can they be? I want to say to the future that Americans deserve every bit of scorn and derision that you can dish out. We deserve it. For every person who worked for a better future, there was someone who wanted to be hateful and Trump gave them permission, there was someone was so selfish they would condemn the whole country to fascism because they thought it would lower the price of gasoline a little bit, and there was someone who was so apathetic they didn’t care what happened to the country or the rest of the world as long as nothing bad affected them directly. That’s all very damning for a society that pretended they had moral values and cared about democracy. That’s also a terrifying warning for the future as well. The 21st century learned absolutely nothing from the rise of fascism in the 20th century. The only people who did learn were the fascists who had a nice guidebook giving them tips on what buttons to push to gain followers and amass power. You’re wrong if you think the time and place you live in is safe from those same forces taking over a significant portion of the population where you live. Look around yourself and wonder who among you would embrace malignant ignorance and violence as a guiding worldview, maybe it’s someone you work with, a family member, or a neighbor. If I can provide any advice from the past it’s this: Be more vigilant and proactive than we were, and watch for the warning signs of fascism before they’re too powerful to reverse. 

PS: I know a lot of foreign powers worked to help sew and spread division within the United States to help weaken it and divide it from within. Those foreign powers did not start the fires of division, however, they merely fueled the fire that was already burning and helped make it worse. The people of the United States were perfectly capable of destroying the United States on their own thank you very much.